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In 2013, after 20 years of teaching in public and private school music programs, I decided that I wanted to provide a type of specialized music education that placed the learning directly into my students' hands.   Along the way, three very special and incredibly talented teachers have joined me to share their musical expertise.


...this is what truly sets us apart...



When you join Learning in Harmony, you are entering a collaborative studio.  Though each student sees the same teacher's face each week, our expertise and training is a shared commodity.  We share teaching ideas, brainstorm together to find solutions, and utilize our shared wealth of experience and education for every single student. 

Kati head shot
Kati Auchinleck
Music Education Specialist

Piano, Vocal Technique, Flute, Recorder, Clarinet,
Trumpet, French Horn, Baritone/Euphonium, Trombone, Music Theory
Eliana head shot
Eliana Kurilov 
Piano Specialist

Piano, Violin, Vocal Technique, Recorder, Organ, Music Theory
Christy head shot
Christy Laarakker 
Piano Specialist

Piano, Vocal Technique, Music Theory
David Pile
Guitar Specialist

Guitar (Popular, Classical, Folk, Celtic)Ukulele, and Mandolin
(ages 8 and up)
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